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  • 5 minutes with Sophie Fisher of Coconut & Bliss

    March 20, 2019 5 min read

    Coconut & Bliss Jewellery Collection for La Luna Rose

    Sophie Fisher is the legend behind @coconutandbliss and the co-designer in our latest collaboration collection (that we’re not-so-quietly OBSESSED with.) I’m sure you’re already a follower of her adventures and delicious cooking over on her instagram but we wanted to catch up and chat a little more in depth with her, find out what gives her jump in her step and her blender whizzing!

    Coconut & Bliss Jewellery Collection for La Luna Rose

    Coconut & Bliss Jewellery Collection for La Luna Rose

    Hey Soph, Thanks for taking 10 to chat to us (Not that we havn’t chatted enough via email these past few months but hey!) Can you tell us, when did you first start your visual ‘blog’ @coconutandbliss and what inspired you to start?

    I started Coconut and Bliss 5 years ago. The initial inspiration was spurred by my love of nutrition, recipe creation and healthy food. I used the platform as a way to track these three things in my own personal hub. As months went on, it became apparent that people were really interested in my content creation and the healthy lifestyle habits I had formed with people actively requesting more recipes. From there it really kicked off and I began collaborating with a lot of amazing brands, people and published my own e-books.

    What inspires your content?.... and life!

    I’m inspired by the little things in life. Amazing places, genuine people. I think sometimes inspiration can be a lot less exotic that people realise. I’m inspired and motivated by experiences that simply make me feel happy.

    Aside from this, I absolutely love scrolling the pinterest feed. Exposure to beautiful imagery and photography definitely plays a part in the creative process.

    Coconut & Bliss Jewellery Collection for La Luna Rose

    Coconut & Bliss Jewellery Collection for La Luna Rose

    Do you ‘design’ all your recipes yourself? And how do you do that!?

    Recipe design has become second nature considering I have been creating  recipes for now five years. Initially, it required extensive research and a lot of trial and error. After time, you learn the ratios that work and the ingredient combinations that go. These days I cook really intuitively and am experimental and it usually works out perfectly! Not to say there isn’t a huge fail every now and then...

    What is one thing that you will never be without in your kitchen? The Bread to your butter so to speak….

    Almond meal! I love it in sweet and savoury recipes. It makes everything delicious and is such a great gluten-free alternative.

    Coconut & Bliss Jewellery Collection for La Luna Rose

    What is your favourite thing to make? Eat?

    Fave thing to make is caramel slice and almond meal cookies (or anything sweet). Baking is the ultimate weekend activity for me - a Sunday ritual!

    Fave thing to eat is HANDS DOWN smashed avo toast with lime, sea salt and (a lot of) olive oil! DEEEELISH! Also love Japanese… probably my favourite cuisine.

    Talk to us about your local hood, when we come & visit you one day soon, where are you taking us for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner? (And yes, we’re going out for all 3 meals!)

    Ok, starting off at  Fruitologist! The best acai. Clustery maple granola and then drowned in PB... All the good stuff!

    Lunch at Alimentari in Paddington. A cute Italian cafe with delicious almond coffee and my favourite smashed avocado in Sydney. Simple is sometimes best.

    Dinner at Bondi beach with takeaway poke bowls from Fish Bowl. I love sitting by the beach in summer and soaking up the balmy nights. However, if we are talking a bit more fancy then Chin Chin is a BIG favourite (incredible Asian) or else Matteo for amazing pizza! Messina ice cream for dessert is a necessity… The pandan coconut is dreamy.

    Coconut & Bliss Jewellery Collection for La Luna Rose

    Coconut & Bliss Jewellery Collection for La Luna Rose

    What is your favourite thing about living in Sydney?

    I get the best of both worlds in Sydney and I do enjoy that aspect. I spend my weeks living the city life, but on the weekend can also spend my time at the beach. There are also so many exquisite food experiences in Sydney. Cafe exploring is such a hobby of mine.

    What do you get up to on a general weekend?

    I love starting my weekend with an Xtend Barre class (mixture of pilates, ballet and cardio). Then I get my coffee (absolute necessity) and normally head out to brunch with friends. I will always spend Saturday afternoon/night catching up with all my friends, sometimes for drinks at a nice bar or even a movie night with yummy food! Sunday is always my Instagram catch up day as there is a lot more admin involved than you would think. I also use this time to capture content for posts during the week and always bake something to share on my feed.

    Any favourite road trips for a long weekend?

    I recently went down the south coast to Bawley for the first time. It was STUNNING and there are so many cute cafes! I will definitely be back. The water is crystal clear and the beaches are so peaceful.

    In winter, I love Bowral for a weekend trip. Incredible food, great wineries and really trendy stores.

    Coconut & Bliss Jewellery Collection for La Luna Rose

    Coconut & Bliss Jewellery Collection for La Luna Rose

    Because we LOVE traveling and love to hear about everyone elses adventures, what is the most memorable place that you have travelled to to date and what made it so special?

    Bali is such a special spot for me. I have only been twice but it’s definitely one of my favourite places. I am completely captivated by the health food scene (absolutely superior), the friendly people, the villas and the overall culture. Noosa is also somewhere I love. The national park walk feels magical. And I do love Hawaii… some of the most blue water I have ever seen (woops, chose 3 places).

    Where is next on your list to travel to?

    EUROPE! (I also need to get back to Bali ASAP… AND I want to return to Byron…. AND I’m dying to visit NZ) Travel stress is a legitimate problem...

    What inspired your design process behind our latest collaboration collection?

    Firstly, Rosie’s beautiful brand La Luna Rose and her current collections. All the pieces are so dainty and unique and each design definitely influenced the concepts I created. La Luna Rose stands for everything I love so it was inevitable that this would inspire the collection.

    Second, my love of the beach, summer and travel. Some of my pieces include a delicate palm tree engraving to symbolise this.

    Finally, my passion for healthy food and cooking. Each piece comes with a card of some of my favourite recipes which inspired particular pieces.

    The name of the collection ‘kelapa’ means coconut in Indonesian which perfectly combines these summer associations, health food and my love of Bali. It just seemed to work!

    Coconut & Bliss Jewellery Collection for La Luna Rose

    What is your favourite piece from our latest collaboration collection? (Yes I’m making you choose ONE)

    This is the HARDEST question ever (not exaggerating). I think the gold coco ring is my absolute favourite. It is so unique and visually stunning! Perfect for any occasion. Never really seen anything quite like it! I also have a soft spot of the gold palm earrings.

    Lastly, where will we find you in 20 years from now?  

    Tough one… I hope I’m still working on Coconut and Bliss and also well-established in my career… Guess we will wait and see!

    Thanks for chatting Soph! We love you and we're stoked to be creating with you! Check her out on her instagram hereor shop our latest collaboration collection below:

    Shop KELAPA Collection now

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